Blue Marble

Expert Residential Tree Services With Blue Marble

by: Blue Marble
December 18, 2018

It’s no secret that in Arizona, residential trees certainly do enhance the curb appeal of your home.

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Mesquite Trees

by: Blue Marble
May 24, 2016

You may have noticed your Mesquite trees putting on their annual bean pods. With the prolific nature of some trees, you may have even noticed the tree branches sag from the weight of them. Yep, it’s that time of year! Although these bean pods are edible; primarily they have been ground down to make flour […]

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Natural vs Manicured Pruning

by: Blue Marble
July 1, 2015

What’s the Difference: Natural vs Manicured Pruning Arizona is filled with a variety of beautiful native plants and trees. Many homeowners, and homeowner’s associations, are choosing these native plants for their landscape décor. In order to maintain many of these native plants various pruning styles may be required. One of these styles is natural pruning, […]

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Helping Our Plants Weather the Heat – The Best Time to Water Plants

The Best Time to Water Plants Our Arizona heat is finally here! With the rising temperatures our landscapes, particularly our plants, are beginning to show the stress of being under our Arizona sun each day.  To cool themselves they begin to use up their reserves of stored energy; the food in and around the roots.  […]

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Winter Rye Transition & Scalping

Winter Turf Transition Having year round grass in the Valley of the sun is tough! With our hot summers, and close to freezing temperatures in the winter, most turf type grasses do poorly at one point or another during the year. For example, during our summer months, Bermuda grass is the dominant turf, primarily because […]

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Xeriscape /ˈzi(ə)rəˌskāp Noun: a style of landscape design requiring little or no irrigation or other maintenance, used in arid regions. Xeriscape is a term coined by combining the Greek root “Xeri” meaning dry and  “Scape” meaning scenery.  This term has become more and more prominent with the recent push toward water conservation. Xeriscape, or Dry-Scape, […]

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